Thursday, December 27, 2007

All in a day of work... you're sweet man right?

I left work today around 3. I wheeled around the corner on N.Deacutr road to Super Cuts to get a buzz. (it looks good) I had to be careful b/c my motors in the chair needs to be replaced. They will be replaced on Jan 11th. Thank GOD! Then I crossed the busy street and headin towards my parents house via Marta.

You're a sweet man is a joke that has become a tradition in my life now. So everyone is a sweet man or lady:)

Monday, December 24, 2007

On my way

I'm on my way to work for 6th straight day. A little tired but it's well worth it. When your with family this holiday show or tell them how much they mean to you. I hope everyone has a terrific holiday. Thanks you guys for gifts that you show me on a daily basis.

All my love,

Kyle T. Pease

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Today was a good day. I rode Marta a lot today. went to Olympic park with Ben. Played football there. Then we went to CNN center to eat.

After that I went to Dick's to get a gift for someone. Took Marta back home. I had to go on Peachtree street. B/c the sidewalk was messed up. Ok I know what you're thinking What r u doing Kyle? Trust me I was very careful.

Friday, December 14, 2007

old pictures

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I'm tired of this crab. Sick and tired of it. Thank you for those of you who looked out for me. I'm 23 years old and fully capable of making my own choices in life. tonight I thought that I lost my car key and I was upset. So I went out at 12:00 to find my key. People that knew me saw and ask why I was out. WHY?? I am I always question in my life. I know that Ryan was suppose to be with me when I went out. I wanted to be on my own.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


This train is moving. You have to be ready. Ready? you're not look at your life. Can you handle more in your life? It's up to you! Think about it

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Tonight as I was studying for a final. I took a break to watch some College Basketball on Espn. It was half time. The half time was the jimmy v speech from the espy's in 93. It was awesome! Check it out on youtube, it's quite motivating.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


My dad came out today to watch the Falcons lose again and to talk with me and a staff members about things. Everything went well and I'm happy about how things went. This is the last week of classes so I'm a little stressed about tests and group projects. that's it guys.