Thursday, June 28, 2007

Great job

So the other day my buddy Ben posted about confidence. I think Ben did a great job. And I agree with him. Confidence is not earned, you have to persevere to get confidence in yourself.
Life does not owe you a free gift. You have to persevere through the challenges to get confidence.

Great post Ben! See you this weekend.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I wrote this paper for a class. Last semester. I hope you guys like it. Enjoy:)-Kyle

My Wish

The aspect of my body that I would most like to change would probably be my legs because they do not work the way I want them to work. I don’t understand sometimes why I was put in this position. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Most of the time, I just shrug it off. There are sometimes when I get very depressed and down because I see people doing stuff I always wanted to do. It hurts deep down inside. I know I just have to keep fighting and keep my head up. One day, I will get a miracle.

I want my legs to work because I want my life to be easier. I want to feel how it feels to stand up for more than ten minutes. I want to feel that burning sensation in your legs when you work out. I want to know how it is to walk up steps, to know what it feels like to run. I want to get another perspective on life. I want to be able to cook, clean, and do my own laundry.

I always kept this a secret from many people because it hurts so badly. There are some days when I cry myself to sleep. I ask myself why I was put in this position. Another reason why I have kept this a secret is because people don’t know how to respond to me. I often ask others how it feels to walk. They always hesitate because they don’t want to hurt their feelings. I want the truth because I really want to know. I depend on people to get me through the day and I wish that I could help them in the way that they help me.

Like I mentioned above, I really want to walk one day. And I firmly believe that one day I will have an opportunity to walk one step at a time. My wish is that no one takes their legs for granted.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm the Hero in my own mind

I'm the hero...dayum straight even if its only in my mind. Yesterday was another K-Peasey adventure. It started out on the bus....dayum straight. My day started at 7 am and didn't end until 7pm. I worked, I avoided the rain drops, battled a cold, got yelled at by some over the hill dude that worked at the bus station. On top of that I managed to drop a fecal bomb on myself. People might call me crazy that I took a pair three hour bus rides to and from work. But sometimes I just have to declare my independence even if its at the expense of soiling some good clothes. However what I'm here to talk about today is its all about the will and the drive. Ask yourself do you have it? Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Are you willing to sacrifice to acheive your goals? If not its time to look in the mirror. Remember you always have to go after what you want in life. Never let anything hold you back. Even if its something small like going to work by yourself or walking just a bit farther than you did yesterday. Than maybe you may become a hero...even if its just in your own mind...dayum straight.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007


Ok so I just wanted to say Thank you to everyone who makes my life go. I'm not going to mention any names b/c i would be here forever. Everyone who I come in contact with on a daily basis makes a HUGE difference on my life and I will be forever great ful for.

What A Day

So my day began at 7:30 when one of my assistants got me up. Then I went to the bus stop after I ate some apple sauce. Then I waited for the bus for about 20 minutes. While I was waiting for the bus, I was thinking about everything I needed to do and saying prayers at the same time. When I got on the CCT, I went to the end of the line.

Then when I got to the transfer center, I ran to the next bus. Got on the other CCT to take me to the MARTA Arts Center station. When I got there, I had to buy a breeze car, though no one was around to help me get my money out.

Then, a sweet lady came and helped me. She asked 'Are you Kyle?'
And I said 'Yes.'
She said, 'I met you at one of your speeches and you did a great job.'

Then we sat on the train together and we talked. She got off before I did. When I got to Five Points, I transfered to the East/West line to go to Edgewood/Candler Park. I got off the train and ran to the bus to catch the bus to the edgewood shopping district.

My grandpa met me at the bus stop. And it was a lovely time. I got back on public transportation about 2:30. And did the whole thing in reverse order.

Got back to Kennesaw about 5:00, waiting for Amy to come and get me so we could come to our softball game. While we were at the game, she got injured. And her knee buckled.

So, Ryan had to come back and put me to bed and stay with me another night. All in all, it was a great day. It was a very training day. But it was well worth it. And I'm gonna do it again really soon.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


a lot of people have always asked me what "what drives you?". well what drives me is the people around me and all the nay-sayers that have told me that i couldnt do it because that made me more passionate and stubborn. just last week, for example, i went to the braves game by myself. i took 3 buses and a train to get there. but i got there. because i wanted to. you have to look at yourself and what drives you. you shouldnt compare yourself to others. you should accel in everything you do. another thing that drives me is God and my two families. i say my two families because i got a family in Atlanta and in Kennesaw. they drive me to be more independent. im off to take a shower.

Monday, June 11, 2007

another day in crappy paradise

the usual freaking monday. woke up. ate a cold piece of pizza. it was good too. went to my first class and fell asleep. however, we did watch movies. but the lights were off and i got so sleepy. and i was toast. so then i went to my other class, which i won't name cause it's an embarassment to me... but i did pass a practice test, which was good. now i'm about to go to my apartment and do my best to avoid the raindrops...but that won't happen. have a good one!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

A midnight Stroll

So I was upset about the braves game last night. I wanted to take my anger out in a positive matter. So I asked my friends if they could help me walk on my own 2 feet and of course they said yes! I walked in my house/Apt. it felt great.

To feel my legs move is a feeling that i can not explain to you guys in this blog. It was truly amazing to feel the pain and the burn.

Wow what a night:)

Friday, June 8, 2007


So I'm sitting here watching the Braves game...that I'm happy I decided not to go to. And we're losing. So I decided to about what?? My frustrations. So-- I feel frustrated because people get all this money and they should perform. As a pal points out, it would be different if Chip was here. Or would it? Do I get frustrated about my life? I just have to remember that this game is only a game. People get so caught up in baseball cause it's an emotional attachment. Anyways, I'm off back to the TV and I'm gonna have a root beer float. Have a good one.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I love

Ok this is my first blog. Hi, My name is Kyle Pease. I have a Cerebral Palsy. My Disability does not stop me from who i am. I attend Kennesaw state University. Majoring in Sports Mgt. I want this blog to happy and life changing event for people who want to read this.

I love my

Pursuit Of Happiness

Love myself